Our Allied Health Professionals

District Nurses

The Cumnock & Doon Valley District Nurses team is composed of District Nursing Sister, Staff Nurse and Nursing Assistants. The District Nursing team provide all aspects of expert care for housebound patients.

Housebound Patients are patients that are eligible for home visits for treatment only when the patient is unable to leave their home due to physical or psychological illness. This is not an option if you do not have transport to attend the Surgery.

Contact : 01563 826600 Mon-Fri 8.30am to 4.30pm

Out-of-hours/weekends/public holidays – 01563 545544

Health Visitors

Angela Young – Health Visitor

The health visiting team are experienced nurses with a specialist interest in public health. The services they offer is available to ALL age groups and includes information, advice and support on many aspects of health and social well-being such as child health, elderly screening.

Contact: 01290 425643

Physiotherapist (MSK)

Chris Clarke – Senior Physiotherapist

As an Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioner (APP) Chris’ main main role is to decide, in collaboration with his patients, the best course of management for their musculoskeletal issue.  This involves listening to the patient story, asking relevant questions and conducting an appropriate physical assessment to decide how best to proceed. This may involve: advice regarding physical activity and lifestyle changes, referral to physiotherapy, arranging further investigations, injection therapy, referral to our colleagues in secondary care (Orthopaedics, Rheumatology or Pain services), or, which is often the case, a combination of these options.

Chris has a clinic on a Thursday at the practice; you can book an appointment with him by calling reception or by using our online self referral form.

Community Midwives

The practice will help to look after you during pregnancy and at home after the delivery. Our Midwife runs our Ante-Natal Clinic on a Tuesday afternoon.

First appointments can be booked by calling 01563 825411 and returning visits can be booked by contacting 01292 426373.

Community Dieticians

Community Dietitian’s advise people and help them make informed and practical choices about their food and nutrition. They assess, diagnose and treat dietary and nutritional problems.

If you require weight management you can self refer to; Lean – 01563 575412 or Weigh to go – 01563 554418

Community Podiatrist

You can self-refer to Podiatry , without seeing a GP or Nurse. If wish to refer yourself to Podiatry, please download the form shown below;

Once completed please return the completed form to:

OT Corridor
Main Building
Ailsa Hospital
Ayr KA6 6AB

If you wish to enquire about a Podiatry referral or a Podiatry appointment, please telephone :

01563 826361 Monday to Friday 8:30am to 12:30pm & 1:00pm to 4:00pm

Mental Health Team

Claire BlackMental Health Practitioner

Mental Health Practitioner can see patients who are suffering mild to moderate mental health issues who are not currently under the care of Mental Health Team. Claire can either see patients face-to-face or do a review via telephone. She works in Practice on a Wednesday each week. You can self refer via our website here.

Further information can be found below: