Sexual Health Ayrshire
Do you need advice or an appointment? We encourage people to use their local clinics which are completely confidential and friendly places to visit.
To book a Clinic appointment tel. 01294 323226
Sexual health services online appointments
The sexual health services online appointments booking system provides an easy way for you to find and book an appointment at sexual health clinics across Scotland.
It will help you to book an appointment that is most convenient for you by allowing you to search for an appointment based on:
- gender
- age
- type of appointment or service you require
- location
What services are offered?
The online booking system will be rolled out gradually across all of Scotland’s health boards and will enable you to book appointments for the following sexual health services:
- Contraception assessment – including repeat prescriptions
- Contraceptive coil (IUD) insertion and removal – including emergencies
- Contraceptive implant insertion and removal
- HIV PrEP – including repeat prescriptions
- HIV testing
- Other STI testing
- Young persons clinics
The system also lets you state if you would prefer a clinic exclusively for men who have sex with men, or if you need someone to translate for you.