Travel Clinic & Holiday Vaccinations

Patient Notice

We no longer offer travel consultations. You can visit this service lets you know what vaccines you require for your trip.

If you require vaccines for your trip, you will then be asked to email [email protected] who will advise you on the next steps.

The following vaccines are offered through the NHS for free:

  • Cholera
  • Hepatitis A
  • Diptheria, Polio, Tetanus (administered as a combined vaccine)
  • Typhoid

If you require travel vaccines that are not free from the NHS or antimalarial tablets you will be signposted to a participating community pharmacy or specialist travel clinic

Please download our useful leaflet on Mosquito Advice

Holidays and travel

Difficulties with travel can often be avoided by good planning – enabling you to avoid or overcome any problems so that you can enjoy your travels and have a stress-free break.

Excess quantities of regular repeat prescriptions

A Scottish home and Health Department circular from 1971 clarifies the position on prescribing for patients going abroad for extended periods. It states:-

“If a patient intends to go away for a longer period(than two to three week’s holiday) he/she may not be regarded as a resident of this country and would not be entitled to the benefits of the National Health Service…. It may not be in the patient’s best interest for him/her to continue to self-medication over such longer periods…. If a patient is going abroad for a long period, he/she should be prescribed sufficient drugs to meet his/her requirements only until such time as he can place himself/herself in the care of a doctor at his/her destination.”

Where ongoing medical attention is not necessary, the patient may be given a private prescription.

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